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Рекомендую добавить более грустную музыку  при игре и сделать много брони и её отображение на персонаже это предаст больше атмосферы 

Игра отличная огромный потенциал когда появятся деньги я поддержу вас удачи 🙂

Deleted 59 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Здравствуйте разработчики у вас очень хорошее продолжение незаконченной игры the zombie.Играю в ваш продукт с момента его выхода и посколько этот продукт в бета версии предлагаю вам небольшие идеи.

1.Добавить небольшие транспорты например как велик,самокат,скейт, скутер.

2.Добавить мастерскую где можно будет делать патроны самодельные оружие и холодное оружие.

3.Добавить удары с рук.

4.Добавить полоску заражение с возможностью укуса зомби 46%

5.Добавить рандомные предметы для убийств например:кирпич,гвоздь,пруть.

5.Новые зомби из реал лайф.

6.Спутники.Типа собаки.

Спасибо если добавите в следующем обновлении хотя бы одну идею.


hello vailgard, i found a   an error, when i wanna kill the bandits and i  see  back, dissapear 

потрясающий фангейм!! Это довольно интересно, но в мобильной версии все еще есть несколько ошибок, которые, несмотря на то, что они только визуальные, неуместны, но я хочу поздравить вас с вашей работой и надеюсь, что проект продолжит существовать!!
(1 edit)

Bug fix 12.11.23

This game controlls very weirdly.
But the concept is neat.
Its the way I always wanted a Dead Ahead sequel to look like!

Deleted 59 days ago

Спасибо за помощь, исправим. 

Верните мои 40 рублей сцки.  Я хотел купить патроны на фамас, и по незнанке засунул их в другой стак. Деньги списали а патронов не дали. Чебурашка на кодере и Галоша на тестере.

Читай внимательно, дружок. Игра с припиской "демо", это не готовый продукт и ты по возможности и дальше будешь находить различные баги.  У меня нету ни времени, ни человеческих ресурсов для исправления всех недочётов.  Твои оскорбления в сторону команды, не более чем прикол.

Deleted 59 days ago

"В один момент все зомби(кроме харкуна в хазмате и канализационного) могут уйти в афк и атакуют только если подойти слишком близко", после каких действий происходит данный баг?

(1 edit)

Это может случиться в абсолютно любой момент, но чаще всего происходит когда лутаешь первую многоэтажку

Пинок сломан он не отталкивает  


Пинок не отталкивает, лишь оглушает противника.

Пожалуйста можете портировать игру на телефон у меня слабый пк и есть фризы а телефон помощнее

игра просто обалденная! у меня есть предложение и просьба разработчику. 1:может вы и добавите это но я предложу, было бы приятно видеть больше разновидностей холодного оружия, по типу топора, лома, биты, ножа. 2:большая просьба к разработчикам: пожалуйста, добавте 2 вариант режима выживания в котором не будет таймера! Я имею В виду что для любителей таймера в выживании вы можете сделать 2 варианта выживания-с таймером и без таймера, пожалуйста добавьте это! просто с таймером не расслабишься,  каждая секунда нужна, из за этого ты торопишься и умераешь очень быстро! если бы вы добавили режим выживания без таймера и при этом оставили его вариант с таймером, то я был бы очень счастлив)


 Мы изначально увеличим время на таймере. Спасибо за отзыв

(1 edit)

buen juego


Although the game is in a demo, but the plans for it are grandiose, I know how difficult it is for the team right now. I would like to thank you for your work, ideas, and your perseverance. (And yes, I want a  JoJo reference)

Awesome game, looking forward to the release))

(3 edits) (+1)

I have a suggestion on a new weapon for the game, 

Its called the F500 Carbine (Slight changed the name for copyright reasons) 

It a rifle that deals as much damage as the Mosin rifle, but has 30 magazine, but with slightly slower rate of fire. And when you run out of ammo, you can use the bayonet, which will deal more damage than the machete. If you want to, you can make it where after a certain amount of hits, the bayonet will be used up, and the only way to replace it is with throwing daggers, so it's not too powerful.


Your team is doing a magnificent job, now they are being more recognized in many places and they have advanced a lot with the game, without a doubt when it is finished it will be a real gem and I will be willing to pay to play it. Also, one way to receive money for the project is by offering the game with different skins for the player or a version where there are exclusive skins, perhaps one that references the protagonist of the first dead ahead, a military man, an IF or TMF. . . Soldier or something. It would also be great if you included the first version of the dead front tank as an enemy, I hope you continue with the great project.


Sometimes the coin will go through the wall so i cant pick them up,sometimes the door is useless.Can you fix them up plz?It would be nice.Btw this game is awsome,but i feel terrible if i die by accident and every thing will back to normal.It could be better if you put some saves during the game.Have a nice day!


Hello, your fan game is awesome, probably better than any other Dead Ahead game made by Mobirate. Still has their flaws, but can be fixed.

just to clarify something, when you access to the desert zone with 2 juggernauts, if you kill them both the game will crash. is frustrating to do everything again because an error.

can you fix it please?

When i go through the back way and then back to the main map, all of the boxes respawn, but when i kill 2 enemies, the game freeze


The Marauders/Bandits at the end of the road on Campaign mode despawn if you walk off too far to the left and then never respawn again for some reason?

Also the bullet resistant one should have some blood maybe to show off that he is getting damaged? Because right now it looks like he takes no damage at all because of the sparkles. He does die from bullets but the lack of proper visual cues on him getting damaged makes it kinda confusing.


Maybe it would be nice to also be able to hold a button to skip the intro cutscene.

Possibly having a way to resume the campaign from where you left would be nice too.

The GUI does not seem to be properly scaled when playing on the normal resolution given on the website. This made the "Money +25" and such text be shown offscreen.

This also caused the inventory slots to be offset from where they really are. So for example, if I equip a weapon, I have to aim a little bit to the right from where it really is to equip it on the right slot.

Also clicking on the X button on the inventory does not work.

When using a door, could the game be paused or enemy AI be disabled? because right now when using a door the world does not pause, meaning that enemies can kill you while going through a door, or even camp the door, so the moment you go back you might instantly die from a lot of enemies being right at the door.

If the enemies stopped chasing, or the game paused while going through a door it would solve those issues.

Could the hazmat enemies have a blue trace when they are attacking?

This could be done so you can tell that their attack poisons you, since for example the spitter enemy has blue bullets, which easily indicate it uses poison.

Maybe a different hit sound, or custom hit impact effect could be used when getting hit by a poison attack?

When killing enemies their coins can go through walls or props, which means that they can die and drop their coin out of bounds, making that money they dropped be impossible to collect.

For example on the school? there are a few of the spitter enemies that are nearby walls, and when they die their coin drops inside the tables or behind the walls.

If you go from the main menu to "Settings", then press on "Reset to default" and then click on "Back", the settings menu won't go away and you can't use it properly anymore.

(1 edit)

On the "Controls" menu "Attack" is mispelled as "Atack".

Maybe the kick button should also be changed to K since that way it's easier to hit as it is closer to the attack button which is J.

It would also be nice if their order could be changed to something like this:

  • Move Up
  • Move Down
  • Move Left
  • Move Right
  • Roll
  • Action
  • Attack
  • Kick
  • Reload
  • Change Ammo Type
  • Open Inventory
  • Equip Weapon 1
  • Equip Weapon 2
  • Equip Weapon 3
  • Use Item 1
  • Use Item 2
  • Use Item 3
  • Equip Throwable 1
  • Equip Throwable 2
  • Equip Throwable 3

Some things here were renamed to make them easier to understand and more clear overall.

Could the buttons at the main menu have a little SFX when clicking them? It just would be a nice little addition.

Maybe they could also have a mouse hover over sound too. Make sure the sounds are also not too loud.

Could the game over sound be a little less loud?

It's a bit too loud in comparison to the rest of the sounds of the game at the moment, so the mixing isn't the best.

Also, if you die while poisoned, the poisoned icon stays on the game over screen.

Could the crit animation have a shine at the top of the sword swing with a little shiny noise indicating it is a crit attack?

It just would be nice to have a better way to tell if you ended up doing a crit attack more easily than just watching the animation being different.

The credits have a few typos on the Special Thanks section.

"Dareapaaa" should be "DaReapaaa" - There it should be a capital R on Reapaaa.

"Wolt Jolt" should be "Volt Jolt" - His name is with V not W.

"Witherhusk" should be "Wither Husk" - His name goes separated and with a capital letter on Husk.

Some enemy animations hit WAY earlier than they should.

Sometimes the enemy attacks, clearly hits you but does not because the impact itself is not in sync with the animation.

Sometimes there are enemies that attack and hit INSTANTLY despite that the animation shows that they landed their hit a bit later.

Enemy stunning with a kick has no visual cue, which means you can't really tell that the kick you did indeed stunned the enemy. Maybe little stars over their head and forcing them to play the idle animation (or a new stunned animation, but that would require more work, so an easier workaround might be better for now) and cancel their attack animation would help. Currently when kicking enemies they get stunned but keep playing their attack animation (despite doing  no damage) and everything which sadly makes it quite hard to tell the kicking even works, visually speaking.

Also if you kick while having no weapon equipped... on the earlier version it had no animation, but now it has an animation... but for some reason it shows that you have a gun on your offhand instead of no weapon at all. It would be nice if instead there it was a new animation for kicking with no weapon.

There's currently a bug in where going to the door at the end of the store on the first store, and then going back up the ladder, will reset all items from the store and entire of the road level, which means you can dupe all items in there.

By doing this however, it also respawns enemies... and if you kill a few of the respawned enemies the game will just crash (after like 2-3 enemies?).

Could the opening of boxes be more automatic?

So instead of pressing E twice to get an item, it could automatically pickup it up with only pressing E once? (so press E and it will open the box and give you the item instead of opening it, and then pressing E again to pick it up)

It's just kinda tedious to want to pick up an item and having to press it twice. Maybe the item obtained could also use a different animation to show you what item you got from it, since if you spam E to pick up items you don't really know what item you got until you open your inventory.

Игра очень хороша, особенно после последнего обновления! Но я нашёл баг... когда я в campaign убиваю определённого зомби у меня зависает игра и мне приходится перезагружать сайт:( . Исправте это пожалуйста!

I love the fangame its awesome

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